More than $27,000,000 in external funding
Title | PI | Agency | Total Costs | Period |
CaNCURE: Cancer Nanomedicine Co-ops for Undergraduate Research Experiences | Sridhar | NIH | $ 1,539,944 | 7/1/24-6/30/29 |
Combination intraperitoneal therapy using molecular inhibitors for metastatic ovarian cancer | Brown | DoD-CDMRP | $ 383,950 | 6/1/2023-5/31/2025 |
Sustained release STING agonist implants activate antitumor immunity to treat advanced breast cancer in combination with PARPi | Brown | DoD-CDMRP | $ 1,191,979 | 6/1/2023-5/31/2026 |
CaNCURE: Cancer Nanomedicine Co-ops for Undergraduate Research Experiences | Sridhar | NIH | $ 1,303,853 | 7/1/19-6/30/24 |
Drug-eluting Brachytherapy Implants for Chemo-radiation Therapy | Sridhar | NIH | $ 2,050,000 | 9/13/2019 – 8/31/2024 No Cost Extension |
Neuro-Optical Diagnostic System for Macular Degeneration | Versek | NIH/NeuroFieldz | $ 2,000,000 | 9/15/17- 4/30/24 |
Quantitative Renal Imaging for Kidney Disease | Sridhar | NIH | $ 220,889 | 9/13/2019 – 8/30/2022 |
Theranostic Virtual Reality Headset for Amblyopia | Versek | NIH/NeuroFieldz | $ 225,000 | 09/01/2018 – 08/31/2020 |
Nanoformulations and Sustained Delivery of PARP Inhibitors for Breast Cancer | Sridhar | CDMRP | $ 648,900 | 6/1/2016-5/30/2020 |
Nanoscale Magnetism Of Novel Structures | Sridhar | AOARD | $160,000 | 10/1/2017 – 9/30/2020 |
Quantitative Non-Invasive Brain Imaging using Magnetic Nanoparticles | Sridhar | NIH/Theranano | $ 225,000 | 8/1/2017-7/31/2020 |
Neuro-Optical Diagnostic System for Macular Degeneration | Sridhar | NIH/NeuroFieldz | $ 225,000 | 9/15/17- 8/31/19 |
Drug-eluting Brachytherapy Implants for Chemo-radiation Therapy | Sridhar | NIH/Theranano | $ 225,000 | 9/25/2017-9/24/2019 |
Nanomedicine Academy of Minority Serving Institutions | Sridhar | NSF | $ 495,348 | 10/1 /2015 – 9 /30/2019 |
Quantitative Neurovascular Imaging for Drug Abuse Research | Sridhar | NIH | $ 386,250 | 07/01/2016 – 06/30/2019 |
Targeted Nanodelivery of PARP inhibitors for Lung Cancer Therapy | Sridhar | American Lung Assoc | $ 200,000 | 7/1/2016 – 6/30/2019 |
CaNCURE: Cancer Nanomedicine Co-ops for Undergraduate Research Experiences | PI:Sridhar | NIH | $ 1,204,585 | 7/1/14-6/30/19 |
Targeted PARP Inhibitor Nanotherapy for Ovarian Cancer | Rivkin Foundation | $ 30,000 | 6/01/2017 – 11/30/2017 | |
Nanoscale Magnetism in Next generation Magnetic Nanoparticles | PI:Sridhar | AOARD | $ 75,000 | 10/1/14 – 9/30/17 |
PARP Inhibitor Nanotherapy for Ovarian Cancer | PI: Sridhar | DOD CDMRP OCRP | $ 305,475 | 5/5/14-4/30/17 |
Gold nanoparticles as vascular disrupting agents in radiation therapy of NSCLC | PI:Berbeco | NIH-DFCI | $ 131,325 | 4/1/15-3/31/17 |
IGERT Nanomedicine Science and Technology | Sridhar | NSF | $ 3,030,000 | 9/1/2010 – 8/30/2017 |
Novel Electric Field Encephalography Sensors for NeuroMonitoring | Sridhar | NeuroFieldz Inc. | $ 35,000 | 7/1/2015 – 6/30/2016 |
PARP INHIBITOR NANOTHERAPY FOR CANCER | Sridhar | DFCI-NU | $ 50,000 | 7/1/2014 – 6/30/2016 |
Nanocoated Brachytherapy Spacers for Biological In Situ Image Guided Radiation Therapy | Sridhar | DOD Prostate Cancer Research Program | $ 560,751 | 5/1/12 – 2/28/15 |
Joint Indo-US Center on Nanomedicines for Head and Neck Cancer | Sridhar | Indo-US Science and Techology Forum | $ 103,928 | 4/1/13 – 3/31/15 |
Physico-Chemical Nanocharacterization Core Facility | Sridhar | NIH | $ 750,000 | 9/1/2010 – 7/31/2015 |
Mutli-Model Imaging Nanoplatforms for Image-Guided Therapies | Sridhar | CIMIT – MGH / USAMRAA | $ 100,000 | 3/1/2013-9/30/2014 |
Nanoplatforms for Localized Chemo Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer | Cormack | DFCI/Mazzone | $ 80,000 | 8/1/2012-7/31/2014 |
Cyber-Physics Sensors for Affective Science Research | Sridhar | NU Tier 1 | $ 50,000 | 7/1/13-6/30/14 |
Graphene Bolometer for Infrared Imaging Technologies | Sridhar | ARL, Adelphi | $ 250,000 | 9/11 – 8/14 |
I-Corps: Roadmap to Commercialization for Electric Field Encephalography | Sridhar | NSF | $ 50,000 | 10/01/2012 – 03/31/2014 |
Enhancing Tumor Vascular Damage with Gold Nanoparticles Aided Radiation Therapy | Berbeco | DFCI/ NIH | $ 31,100 | 07/09/2012 – 06/30/2014 |
Photonic Crystal Electric Field Detector (DARPA subcontract) | Sridhar | SRICO | $ 1,000,000 | 3/10 –8/11 |
Nanoporous coatings for radiosensitizer release in IGRT | Sridhar | Brigham Womens Hosp | $ 140,000 | 1/1/2009 -6/2012 |
IGERT Nanomedical Science and Technology | Sridhar | NSF & NCI/NIH | $ 3,320,000 | 9/05-8/12 |
Metamaterials for Conformal Antenna Applications | Sridhar | AFRL | $ 1,425,000 | 7/06-12/09 |
Nano-biodevices for Recording and Stimulation of Neural Activity (co-PI) | Menon | NSF | $ 150,000 | 6/06-7/07 |
Nanoporous coatings for drug eluting stents | Sridhar | Boston Scientific | $ 20,000 | 11/05- |
Quantum Chaos and Electromagnetic Chaos | Sridhar | NSF | $ 425,000 | 6/1/05-6/09 |
Northeastern University NSF Center for High Rate Nanomanufacturing | Sridhar | NSF-CHN @NU | $ 50,000 | 3/05- 3/07 |
Quantum Chaos and Electromagnetic Chaos | Sridhar | NSF | $ 445,000 | 9/01-8/05 |
Acquisition of an Ultra-High Resolution SEM for Nanoscience and Biotechnology (co-PI) | Heiman | NSF-MRI & NU | $ 605,000 | 7/1/03-6/30/04 |
Metamaterials for Antenna Technologies | Sridhar | AFOSR | $ 380,000 | 10/01-12/05 |
Acquisition of a Low Temperature NSOM for Spectroscopic Studies of Structures down to the Nanometer-Scale (co-PI) | Perry | NSF-DMR | $ 149,000 | 7/1/02-6/31/03 |
Microwave Losses in Tunable Device Materials | Sridhar | ONR | $ 227,000 | 10/99-9/02 |
High Power Microwave Response of Superconductors | Sridhar | AFRL/AFOSR | $ 120,000 | 10/98 -3/01 |
Quantum Chaos and Electromagnetic Chaos | Sridhar | NSF-AMOP | $ 300,000 | 9/97-9/01 |
Nonlinear Superconducting Microwave Circuits | Sridhar | NSF-ECS | $ 350,000 | 9/97-9/01 |
Electrodynamics of Superconductors, | Sridhar | NSF | $ 225,000 | 6/96 – 6/99 |
High Power Microwave Response of Superconductors | Sridhar | Rome Labs/ AFOSR | $ 340,000 | 1/95 – 1/98 |
Charge and Spin Dynamics in Novel Electronic Materials | Sridhar | NSF – INT | $ 15,000 | 2/98 – 2/01 |
Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Quantum Chaos | Sridhar | ONR | $ 300,000 | 5/92 – 7/95 |
Electrodynamics of Superconductors | Sridhar | NSF | $ 240,000 | 6/93 – 7/96 |
Patterning and Microwave Characterization of Superconducting Thin Films | Sridhar | RADC, AFOSR | $ 185,000 | 7/91 – 7/93 |
Microwave Devices and Applications of High Tc Superconductors | Sridhar | CER (NU) | $ 68,000 | 6/87 – 6/92 |
Electromagnetic properties of High Tc Superconductors | Sridhar | RADC/ AFOSR | $ 39,000 | 7/90 – 7/91 |
Application of Warm Superconducting Material to Microwave Electron Tubes | Sridhar | Varian Corp. | $ 100,000 | 6/88-7/90 |
High Tc Superconductivity | Sridhar | GTE | $ 20,000 | 7/90 – 7/92 |
Chaos in Electromagnetic Systems | Sridhar | NSF | $ 25,000 | 7/91 – 7/92 |
Dielectric Spectroscopy of Polymers and Microemulsions between kHz and 75 GHz | Sridhar | ACS – PRF | $ 24,000 | 7/89-7/91 |
Fundamental Studies and Device Applications of Superconductors at Rf, Microwave and mm-wave Frequencies | Sridhar | NSF | $ 75,000 | 7/88-12/90 |
Design and Development of a Microwave Filter using High Tc Superconducting Materials | Sridhar | Caltech / JPL Presidents Fund | $ 49,000 | 6/89 – 6/90 |
Design and Development of a Calorimeter for Microwave Characterization of Superconducting Thin Films | Sridhar | NASA / JPL | $ 15,000 | 1/87 – 12/87 |
High Temperature Superconductivity | Sridhar | RSDF | $ 15,000 | 6/87-7/88 |
Electromagnetic Experiments on Quantum Chaos (co-PI) | Sridhar | RSDF (NU) | $ 6,000 | 6/91 – 6/92 |
Microwave Properties of Superconducting thin films | Sridhar | NASA Lewis | $ 5,000 | 11/89 – 11/90 |
US – India Travel Grant | Sridhar | NSF | $ 2,000 | 4/90 – 4/91 |